Wednesday, August 3, 2016

More Investigators

July 12, 2015
This has been an amazing week first there is a hole in our flat Elder Ussie kinda fell through the floor of the 2nd floor. Just his foot went through. Then later in the week we met a woman from hillsong church.  She(Justine) knew we are Mormons and she made it really clear that she was not going to change churches but the spirit told me to sing “come all whos souls are lighted” and it really brought the spirit and then she agreed to meet with us. When we met with Justine we asked her if god himself told her that our church was his kingdom on the earth would she join and she said of course! So we taught the restoration and committed her to read the book of Mormon. She really wanted to read it. On Thursday I was on tradeoffs with elder Ussie and we went to visit a potential investigator Tevita but he was not home but his sister was and we taught her and she agreed to get baptized on july 25. We were on bikes that day and we visited a less-active. After that we walked outside and my tire was flat. We were about 2 miles from the flat. So we walked home and on the way we talked with people. If they were walking a different direction we just said “ hello have an awesome night”. While doing that one lady  stopped and said “why would you tell me that” We then said “ because everyone is a child of god and deserves a great night!” we then talked with her and she really wants to be saved. She kept saying that over and over. Elder Lewis and I visited her for a lesson the next day and taught the restoration. She is really solid we got a call that night and she already read a lot and had questions. We have another lesson with her today! Going back to Thursday While walking home elder Ussie and I were talking then he jumps and looks over his shoulder. He said “did you hear that” and I had no idea what he was talking about and he said “ I heard my own voice and it said good job elders” I know that heavenly father was pleased with our work that day. It made us both really happy. On Saturday morning I prayed that we would be able to do some service because we did not have any planed but we had a lesson with Vishal who is really solid but he said he could not have a lesson today but rescheduled. We felt prompted to go visit Blake a potential investigator. When we got there we found him cleaning out his Garage. It had caught fire the night before and half of it was pretty burnt up. We went home and changed then helped him clean. Even a member in the area came to help. He was so grateful and was wondering why we helped. We have a lesson with him later this week. Heavenly father answers my prayers. Later on that day while door knocking we met this Lady who was messing with this she really should not. She was doing rituals to summon spirits and she was doing whatever they told her. I remember as we knocked on the door something felt not right. Then when she opened the door and started to talk I could just feel the evil inside. But what was really cool was I felt the angels behind is pushing everything away from us. It was a crazy experience. Lastly I saw the southern star that was cool. It was a really awesome week.
A wolf

Hole in the floor

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