Saturday, August 13, 2016

Spiritual Gifts

December 6, 2015

Sorry no pictures for a while my camra broke so im waiting for christmas when everything is on sale haha. This week has been a great one though. We had amazing miracles but the main one was we were finding and not having alot of success. We were a bit discouraged. Then i thought well this is lame im done following my thoughts im gona ask Heavenly father. So we said a prayer and asked what street to go down. We went down the street that came to our minds then we prayed again and asked what house the number 18 was an option. So we went and knocked the door and taught the restoration to an aussie guy. He was really excited and after told us "i need that book because it seems really important." We have a lesson with him on friday! That was really an amazing thing. Aslo during my studies i came across D&C88:32-33.  
32And they who remain shall also be quickened;nevertheless, they shall return
 again to their own place, to enjoy that which they are willing to receive, because they were not willing to enjoy that which they might have received.
 33 For what doth it profit a man if a gift is bestowed upon him, and he receive 
not the gift? Behold, he rejoices not in that which is given unto him, neither rejoices
 in him who is the giver of the gift.
This Got me thinking about how god has given us so many gifts(The temple, Scriptures, Church,ect.) and there are many who do not receive/use the gifts that he has given us. The scripture is talking about the judgement and degrees of glory. Gods grace is sufficient to save everyone. but i wonder if some will want to be saved. If we do not want to accept the gifts he gives us on earth will we even want to accept the gifts of celestial glory but we will "enjoy what we are willing to receive"  Our life is "a time to prepare to meet god" The ordinances of the gospel help us to prepare. Its really sad when we talk to people and they say we are "stupid for working hard all you need to do is believe and you will be saved"  you can be but will you be ready to? We have to keep moving forward learning as much as we can. D&C131:6  It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance. We must continue to study the scriptures daily going to the temple if not for the endowment (for thoes who have not recived thoes blessing yet) then for baptisms for the dead. Going to church and actively listen and try to learn from the spirit. Also other knowledge in school i really wish i did better school is a great place to learn. The more we learn the closer we get to god. God created all things the more we understand how and why the world works the more prepared we will be.

This was from the mission presidents letter
Christmas in Heaven
Christmas Eve—the sky was grey,
In a teeming city, the people seemed gay,
As they walked along on the lighted street
The snow cracked quietly under their feet.
They carried packages large and small.
She wondered if they held a big baby doll.
With joyful twinkles in their eye
People hurried along and passed her by.

Faintly she leaned on a huge lamp post
With her toes and fingertips eaten by frost,
She held Christmas roses toward the crowd,
“Buy Mister, please buy them, she shouted aloud,
But they rushed along—and passed her by,
Shrugged their shoulders, and she gave a sigh.

Tears trickled slowly down her cheek,
She was cold and hungry and so very weak.
Her name was Ann—she had just turned seven.
Her Mommie was sick—and her Daddy, in heaven.
She hugged her roses with a humble intent,
And she prayed, “Dear Lord Jesus, please do send
Someone, who is really kind and good—
So I can go home to Mommie and buy some food!”

Along came a man, with a beautiful girl,
All dressed in fur, on her forehead a curl.
As she strolled along on the arm of her Dad—
She thought to herself, now they aren’t sad.
And she called, “Buy my flowers, they are so nice,
And really very cheap in price.
Just a quarter a dozen, don’t you see—
They will look so lovely on your Christmas tree.

But the beautiful girl wrinkled her nose,
And said to her Dad, “You won’t buy I suppose,
They aren’t nice, I don’t like them at all,
I love shiny ornaments that look like a ball.”
And on they went and left her behind—
She thought they were charitable, good and kind.

No more could she stand on her icy feet,
So aimless she wandered down the street,
Looking through a great window span,
She saw Lord Jesus, the Son of Man,
Lying in a crib, so snug and sweet—
With gifts and offerings at His feet.

As she looked—His image grew,
And He stood beside her before she knew.
He picked her up with His big strong arm
Pressed her to His bosom so soft and warm;
So the good Lord Jesus, and Ann, just seven
Celebrated with Daddy and Mommie, Christmas in Heaven.
—Theresa B. Weiss

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